StaffMarket Member for 25 years
One Park Place Suite 600
Dublin, CA 94568
Only businesses who have registered with StaffMarket and engaged one of our member PEOs are invited to submit their ratings and comments. No trolls or bogus self promotion is allowed and all reviews have been verbally confirmed with our staff.
We're very happy with Trinet! THank you for recommending them to us. The only one gripe I have is that the health insurance rates went up 10% before the end of year #1 and now they're goign up another 20% for the next year starting in October.
Their NEW and IMPROVED platform is HORRIBLE - extremely UNUSER FRIENDLY and constantly LOCKS UP or IS UNAVAILABLE due to maintenance
Their staff has not been overly helpful and website for payroll processing is EXTREMELY UNUSER FRIENDLY - what should take less than 5 minutes to complete takes almost 45 minutes which DOES NOT INCLUDE TIME required for multiple attempts since I CONSTANTLY get "error - update in process, please try again later"