• By providing payroll, benefits, and HR services and assisting with compliance issues under state and federal law, PEOs help small businesses to improve productivity and profitability, to focus on their core mission and to grow.
• Businesses that use PEOs grow 7 to 9 percent faster, have employee turnover that is 10 to 14 percent lower, and are 50 percent less likely to go out of business than companies that do not use PEOs.
• PEOs enable small businesses to offer their employees access to Fortune 500-level benefits such as: 401(k) plans; health, dental, life, and other insurance; dependent care; and other benefits they might not typically receive as employees of a small company.
• Most small companies cannot afford to hire a human resources professional. In contrast, almost all PEOs provide access to human resource professionals as a part of their services to small businesses and their employees. Through this service, PEOs help small businesses comply with myriad federal, state, and local employment laws, and they provide access to HR expertise to small business employees.
• Among businesses with fewer than 10 employees, those using a PEO have more than 3 times greater participation in a retirement plan than employees of businesses that do not use a PEO. For businesses with 10 to 49 employees, 52 percent of PEO client employees have a retirement plan, versus 23 percent in those companies that do not use a PEO.
About the PEO Industry
• There are more than 500 PEOs in the U.S. that provide human resource services to small and mid-size businesses—issuing wages and remitting taxes, offering workers’ comp and risk consulting services, and providing compliance assistance with employment-related rules and regulations. In addition, many PEOs offer HR technology systems and access to 401(k) plans, health, dental, and life insurance, dependent care, and other benefits.
• PEOs help businesses take care of employees by enabling them to offer Fortune 500-level benefits at an affordable cost and providing access to experienced HR professionals. And they help business owners and executives save time by taking administrative and HR-related tasks off their plates, allowing them to focus on the success of their businesses.
• More than 200,000 small and mid-size businesses employing 4.5 million people partner with a PEO.
• About 17 percent of all employers with 10 to 100 employees are PEO clients.
• Over the last 12 years, the PEO industry has quadrupled in size as the regulatory landscape gets increasingly complicated and more and more businesses turn to PEOs for back-office assistance.