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Since 1999 StaffMarket has assisted nearly 20,000 business owners and company executives identify and compare the best PEO alternatives for their companies. Every company considering joining a PEO is unique in their needs and expectations. At the same time, every PEO has their own unique acceptance criteria and only allows companies to join their PEO if the client company meets their requirements for:
For businesses seeking access to group health insurance for their Minnesota employees, PEOs may offer a program that helps their customers meet ACA requirements and provides cost advantages over other standard market health insurance alternatives. Once again, every PEO varies in their ability to offer access to Minnesota health insurance plans for their client companies.
In Minnesota, StaffMarket has helped hundreds of companies quickly identify and assess their best options for joining a PEO. Companies large and small have used StaffMarket to get industry insight and competitive proposals from Professional Employer Organizations operating in Minnesota.
We can provide Minnesota Companies with several competitive employee leasing and PEO quotes. We identify the best solutions available and provide multiple options for your business.
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This is a not for profit company that provides mental health counseling via phone operations. They are adding staff and are seeking access to a group health plan. A benefits census is attached to the RFP. Since this is a start up there is no WC loss history available.
This company does residential building and remodeling in the suburban Minneapolis area. They do not do roofing. They are seeking access to a health insurance plan and a benefit census will be forthcoming.
Please contact me directly to discuss
Company is closing on a small retail bakery by the end of the month. She is interested in the most basic payroll, and workers comp. Payroll data included is estimated, due to current ownership not will to provide historic payroll reports.
This company is a startup consulting company to wholesalers. They will start with just 3 EEs, 2 in MN and 1 in NM. They are wanting health care coverage so I explained you could help them obtain and admin a stand alone policy and they could then migrate to your large group plan once they met min participation. A census is attached. Growth will be predicated on demand but his estimate is to have 5 EEw in next 12 months with $375,000 TGP, and 10 EEs with $750,000 TGP in 24 months.
Company is a general contractor for insurance related repairs. They have offices in 3 states but right now just want to do Florida now. Complete information is available on Staffmarket.
Company is a franchisee that does residential remodeling of specialty kitchens and baths. They have been using a Professional Employer Organization out of Indiana, but now that Professional Employer Organization is unable to offer a health plan in Minnesota.
Company is a recruiting firm specializing in the placement of recent college graduates. They are interested in the full suite of Professional Employer Organization services, including benefits. They do have employees that move from their payroll over to the client payroll after 18 weeks. Most of these placements are not eligible for benefits. They currently pay 80% of the premium for the Health Partners plan in MN, and Cigna plan for their IL offices.
This company is a new US subsidiary of a UK based tech education company. They currently have 2 EEs in MN but are making offers to a new EE in CO and another in FL. They anticipate having 5 to 8 EEs within the next 12 months. The contact number listed on the RFP is his UK number but he is actually in the US for the next 10 days or so. They would like to mimic the benefits they currently provide in the UK so they will need major medical coverage, a 401k, dental, life and AD&D. Support for piecework was indicated but is really not needed. They are in need of job descriptions, employee handbooks and policy and procedures documentation.
Company will be purchasing a hotel in the next 30 days. Their immediate need is for workers comp, and payroll. Benefits can be looked at beginning in Jan.
This company is a non-profit association for professional ice skating coaches. They are based in MN but they do also have one EE in CO. The main driver in their interest in Professional Employer Organizations is related to the potential to lower or stabilize costs associated with group health care coverage. However, they are also in the offloading of payroll, W/C and HR admin. They currently obtain health care coverage from BCBS. Underwriting documentation has been requested and will be forwarded to you as received. They have a board meeting Nov 3rd and would like to present proposals to their board at that time.
Company is an IT staffing company. Employee assignments are never shorter than 6 months, and are typically longer than one year. The employees work at the client facilities, and mainly include programmers, database administrators, business analysts etc. They use a Professional Employer Organization now but have been shown two health increases since Jan.
This company is a construction company that specializes in building chain restaurants in MN. The majority of their EEs are 8810 but they do have some actual construction codes. However, most of the work is subbed out. They aren't totally sold on the Professional Employer Organization model so they have asked to have just one rep selected to present a Professional Employer Organization value proposition to management. They will then decide if they want to proceed to a quote. They currently utilize Health Partners as their group med carrier and would be happy to keep them. They would also be open to keep their current W/C if necessary. They currently use Paylocity for payroll but struggle with many PTO tracking formulas. They also require job costing. Beside group med they also offer vision, dental, life
The company is a bank in MN. The Director just turned in her resignation and the bank wants to explore other options for employee administration, including HR, workers comp, payroll, and benefits.
This company is a home health care operation. They have heard from other operators that utilize a Professional Employer Organization and are now interested in exploring the option. Their interests are to outsource HR admin over head and to be able to provide their EEs access to various benefit products. They currently utilize a time and attendance system called eRSP by Kaleida Systems and they would need their new Professional Employer Organization to be able to obtain payroll data from it. It currently feeds into their Quickbooks system. A copy of their current W/C dec, LRs and recent payroll summary have all been requested.
Company manufacturers commercial and residential roof and floor trusses. Their current Professional Employer Organization was purchased by another Professional Employer Organization two years ago. The new Professional Employer Organization is finally transitioning them over, but the company is experiencing issues during the transition.
Company is a residential owners association, and recreational campground. They have hired a consultant to help with costs and efficiency.
This is a start up that's just received funding. They will design a new lite sport aircraft. This is an engineering group only and no manufacturing will be done. The actually building of the planes will be licensed out. At this point, most of the EEs will be based in MN but one will work from his homes in FL and NH. They are interested in a group medical program, dental, vision and either a 401k or assisted IRA. A census has been requested. The contact for this company is actually in Venice, FL.
Company is a staffing company that has grown so quickly that they need help with payroll administration, and workers comp. The annual wages below were derived from the attached payroll report from 1-13 through 8-13. They usually have between 300-400 active weekly employees. Loss runs are also attached. Your contact is the owner.
This company is a start up franchise of a residential cleaning service. They plan to staff 5 to 15 maids at a time. The W/Code entered by the client and listed on the RFP is not accurate.