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Since 1999 StaffMarket has assisted nearly 20,000 business owners and company executives identify and compare the best PEO alternatives for their companies. Every company considering joining a PEO is unique in their needs and expectations. At the same time, every PEO has their own unique acceptance criteria and only allows companies to join their PEO if the client company meets their requirements for:
For businesses seeking access to group health insurance for their Vermont employees, PEOs may offer a program that helps their customers meet ACA requirements and provides cost advantages over other standard market health insurance alternatives. Once again, every PEO varies in their ability to offer access to Vermont health insurance plans for their client companies.
In Vermont, StaffMarket has helped hundreds of companies quickly identify and assess their best options for joining a PEO. Companies large and small have used StaffMarket to get industry insight and competitive proposals from Professional Employer Organizations operating in Vermont.
We can provide Vermont Companies with several competitive employee leasing and PEO quotes. We identify the best solutions available and provide multiple options for your business.
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This company is a consulting company that provides project management services to banks, insurance companies and others professional groups. All employees are working remotely in New Hampshire and Vermont mainly. Payroll, health insurance and 401K plan access are primary drivers for them. A benefits census is available however it does not yet include information on all of the dependents since those with families all have children 4 to 6 years old. They currently have an HRA plan in use to provide health benefits to their group.
The company is a seasonal, diversified farm that integrates livestock, orchards and gardens. They also operate a market that sells their meats, produce and prepared foods. The operation is actually owned by a private equity group out of Denver that utilizes Professional Employer Organizations for some of their other portfolio companies and the contact on this RFP works for the private equity group. The private equity group feels they need help with all around HR, so they are looking at what options may be available. A copy of their current W/C dec is attached and they are verbally reporting zero claims but I am still working to obtain actual LRs. I have also attached a brief description of their operations that the contact sent to me.
Company is a small non profit with one full time employee and two part time employees. Looking for a Professional Employer Organization to handle payroll processing and offer a full suite of benefits to the full time director (health insurance, 401k, etc).
Company is a trucking and freight carrier. They are mainly interested in how a Professional Employer Organization can help with workers comp premiums, and safety. They currently do payroll in house. Additional information including loss runs are attached. They would like something in place by the end of July.
This company is a craft producer of smoked and cured meats. The company is being purchased by a private equity group, and this group brings in a Professional Employer Organization for all of their owned companies. The contact on the RFP is a NYC attorney that works for the equity group. The company doesn't currently offer any group medical plan but the new ownership is now wanting to bring in a plan. The company is actually organized as a B-corporation and a priority is being placed on content employees. They are looking to make the cut over around the end of the 2 qtr. A census is attached, but they did not enter the employee's w/comp codes. In order to get this RFP started, I used code 2089 for all the EEs but suspect some will be changed to 8810 and 8742. A copy of their current W/C dec has been requested as have loss run reports. Almost all EEs reside in VT but there are a few in NY or MA. Do not follow up with the contact until you and I have had a chance to discuss this company. UPDATE: I was just made aware that the proper W/C code for the processing employees is 2095.
For profit government contractor. She has quotes from Oasis and TriNet and doesn't want to complete individual health statements. She expects to have to pull out of any Professional Employer Organization group medical next year and be made to go through state exchange. So thinking ASO may be a better fit. Based in VT and has one EE in SC. Expects to expand to 15 EEs within year and add EEs in DC. Needs a 401k, STD, LTD, Life, Dental etc. Currently has a BCBS plan that they think is just OK. They have payroll done locally. She's looking for professionalism.
This company is starting a new company from an asset purchase of another company. The company is an Internet retailer with around 8 office employees and 3 shipping employees. The contact is thinking a Professional Employer Organization may be a good fit, but he wants to just talk with a Professional Employer Organization rep before proceeding into the development of a proposal. He is requesting that you contact him initially via e-mail and then establish an appointment to talk.
This company is a non-profit that claims itself to be the world's largest membership alliance setup to address health issues around the world. They have EEs located in VT and DC. They currently use ASP EZLabor and are looking into a more integrated HR administration and possible new options for their various benefit offerings. Their census is very comprehensive and will show all offerings and cost. The census will not be attached to this RFP so make sure you requested the Excel file directly from me.
Company installs and services fire sprinkler systems, been in business 6 years. Looking to free up some time to run his business. Census and loss runs requested. Owner is the clerical employee, looking at going under the Professional Employer Organization for access to benefits, foregoing the owner exemption for work comp, so will want to talk about that. for participating.
Company manufactures picture frame molding. Been in business under current ownership for 14 years. Note client comments, three owners, one does planing work at $1k per week, the other two are clerical. Got a non-renewal notice from carrier effective 10/8. Got dropped due to a loss, but the contact has no info on it...We've requested loss runs to see what those look like, but wanted to get this out in the mean time. for participating