Vermont PEO - Professional Employer Organization Directory

StaffMarket listing for Professional Employer Organization - PEO and ASO companies in Vermont

Considering a PEO in Vermont? Let StaffMarket help you get targeted, competitive proposals from the top PEOs operating in Vermont. PEO providers are licensed and/or operate in multiple states and have offices in the major cities like Burlington, Chester, Colchester, Po Box, St. Albany and White River. Based on your company's requirements, our Request for Proposal process identifies your best options and pricing.

Vermont Directory of PEOs - Professional Employer Organizations

Our database indicates that 54 different PEOs operate in Vermont

Your StaffMarket Request for Proposal (RFP) will identify the best three to five providers for your type of business and make your search easy.

Remember that state coverage is only one of the criteria for determining the providers that might be a good fit for your company.

Other Key Considerations Include:

Workers' Compensation Classifications (Work Comp)

Each Vermont PEO or ASO has certain workers' compensation classifications that they can or cannot cover under their master Workers' Compensation insurance policy or other carrier arrangements. StaffMarket targets only PEOs and ASOs that can cover your type of workers.

Regulatory info about Vermont PEO Workers' Compensation Insurance (Work Comp)

Size - Employee Count

Every PEO has minumum and maximum client size requirements based on either payroll amounts or employee counts. StaffMarket targets only PEOs that work with your size company.

Services Offering

All PEOs have various capabilites regarding payroll services and Human Resources support for your company. From job costing reporting to job applicant drug testing, StaffMarket targets only PEO and ASO operating in Vermont that can deliver the services you require.

Health Insurance and Supplemental Benefits Offering

Every PEO has differing access to medical insurance plans. From HMOs to PPOs, each PEO has different Vermont coverage considerations for your company. StaffMarket works to ensure that PEOs can deliver health plans that are an affordable fit for your company.

Review Health Plan and Employee Benefit Offerings for PEOs in Vermont

Reputation and Integrity

Checking the background on any PEO you are considering is a good idea. StaffMarket helps you obtain independent reference checks from clients of the PEO you may be considering.

Check out the Vermont businesses we are assisting with finding a great PEO relationship

Vermont Employers Resources

What a Vermont PEO and StaffMarket can do for you.

Work Comp – Workers’ Compensation Insurance Administration

Provide Vermont Workers’ Compensation insurance coverage for your employees.

Payroll Tax and Unemployment Administration

Manage your company payroll and ensure compliance with Vermont employment related taxes and tax administration. Also handle your unemployment claims and work to ensure that the claims paid are valid under Vermont laws.

Health Benefits

Help you obtain and administer a health insurance plan that is an affordable and effective solution for your group of employees in Vermont and other required areas. Review PEO benefit plans available in Vermont.

HR Regulatory compliance

Ensure that your company is using best practices when hiring, firing and managing your Vermont based employees.

Note: Companies listed may offer HR Outsourcing services as a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) or by providing HR administrative services as an Administrative Services Organization (ASO) . Contact StaffMarket for assistance with the HR Outsourcing types and options available and to get Vermont PEO Quotes for your company. In addition some states require a PEO to be licensed. Review Vermont PEO and employee leasing licensing requirements.

54 PEOs operate in Vermont, which one is right for your company? Let's find out.