Oklahoma Based Accord HR Acquired by Trinet
PEO Mergers and Acquisitions Continue
AccordHR purchased by Trinet
On April 26, 2012 San Leandro, CA based Trinet announced the acquisition of Oklahoma City based AccordHR. Both companies are privately held and terms of the sale were not disclosed. Oklahoma based AccordHR was founded in 1992 by Dale Hageman and grew to be one of the largest PEOs in Oklahoma. In 1995, AccordHR joined forces with John Jones in Tampa, Florida where a separate PEO was established (Accord of Florida) with Mr. Jones acting as president. According to the State of Florida, Accord HR has twelve active operating companies in Florida. In Oklahoma, Accord Human Resources has thirteen operating companies.
Trinet Press Release:
According the Trinet press release announcing the acquisition: